The WECHULL+ consortia met up in Gdansk during two days (6-7th of March) to discuss what actions to take to get the prototypes in to the water. We kicked off with a warm welcome by Ph.D., D. Sc., Eng. Joanna Żukowska, Gdańsk Tech professor and Dean of Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Gdansk University of Technology and our great host Ph.D., D. Sc., Eng. Jerzy Bobiński, Gdańsk Tech professor. Followed by a short presentation from Rachele Nocera representing TRI2 CETPartnership.

The main objetives of the meeting was to:
Get to know one another and our organisations
Define the next steps (activities, timeframe and responsability)
Site visit to Pekabex facilities
In the afternoon on the first day we get the opportunity to visit Pekabex facilities where they produce concrete products. We went to two different sites. The first one was a fully automated factory and the second one was more focused on manual work and different designs of concrete products. Seeing the production and the products is exiting and broadens the understanding that nurture our future discussions
