Sustainable and Reliable Material Leading to Improved WEC hulls
The main objective of Swedish WECHULL project (2021 - 2023) financed by the Swedish Energy Agency was to investigate materials for hull development of wave energy convertors and to have a complete hull system validated in terms of components reliability and survivability. Various studies show that the biggest cost reduction potential is associated with the device’s structure. The innovative materials (improved concrete) coming out from the project are used in the WECHULL+ project to be used across the offshore renewable energy sector to improve the reliability, survivability, cost and sustainability.
Specific Project Objectives of the WECHULL project (TRL 3-5)
To develop and optimise hull design regarding reliability and sustainability
To develop new accelerated testing methodologies that support validation on component and complete system design for WEC hulls
To define sustainable materials for WEC hulls
Industrialisation and scaleup of manufacturing processes
To establish recommendations and guidelines for standardisation for enhanced technology design and testing

The WECHULL project was financed by: